Saturday, 26 July 2014

Rendering and Exporting

This was the worst, it took so long and my 3DS would keep freezing, and id have to restart it, and re-add all the little final touches again because I forgot to save.  It was a very long process that I encountered some problems with, possibly because I was so tired. Once I had finally rendered my scene two days late, I realised that at one of the times I had to stop rendering and start again that I wasn't rendering my animated camera anymore, so instead of a panning from left to right and left to right it starts going left then just skips and freezes in the one place for the rest of the video. I don't have time to change this even though I wish I could. I managed to change and do most of the things I wanted but I could have made it so much better if I planned and organized my time more efficiently, I cold have played around with sound and video effects, and have better timed animations and camera angles. In the end you get out of it what you put in, and I did have a fun time doing this whole process and learned a lot, but if I managed my time better I could have learned and done a whole lot more. I'm very glad to have it finally finished and it does feel rewarding despite the setbacks.

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