Sunday 6 July 2014

Documentation of Texturing Process

I really enjoyed texturing, it took awhile and could be pretty frustrating and slow at times, but compared to the UV mapping stage, this was very enjoyable. I believe I enjoyed it so much more because I was able to add my own style to the process, I feel having a Wacom really helped with the hand drawn aspect of the process which probably is what made me enjoy texturing so much. It was a very rewarding experience visually but it also gave me an insight into what it is like painting a 3D model in a software package. Below are screen captures of my texturing process with brief descriptions.
Finished texture on the 3D model.
Completed 2D Texture Map with fine detail & lighting on metal and wood.
Finished basic detail and lighting on wood and metal - without fine detail.
Finished basic detail and lighting on all wood - Starting the metal shading.
Finished basic detail and lighting of lid and base's wood - without metal lighting & fine detail.
Finished basic detail and lighting on the base's wood but not the lid's wood.
One of the first basic details I added in the process, after the base colours were established.

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