Saturday, 26 July 2014

Animation & Scene Assembly Process

This process for me, was a bit of a rush job if I am honest, I didn't have my 3D files to work on for week 7 and forgot it was due on week 8. So Friday arrived and I incredibly stressed begun this process, it was a reasonably straight forward and simple once I stopped panicking. but as I am new to this software I still encountered incredibly frustrating issues, mainly the animation segments. I would always forget to set a key beforehand, or I would have a setting on that caused the same problem this was super annoying and frustrating, at one point the same problem was happening but neither of those were the answer and it was a ram issue, so i had to restart 3DS. I also linked the chest wrong and then animated it, and had to delete it and link it correctly then animate it again, which was tedious but it didn't take too long. Another problem was that the coins fell through the board, my tutor helped me out and showed me that you have to set up a surface the coins collide with so they don't just fall directly through the scene. 

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